The Ultimate Drives app was born out of the realisation that there were thousands of people each month landing on the Greatest Driving Roads section of our main travel and events website, Ultimatedrives.net. Since our core driving tours appeal to a specific niche, we were excited to create a dedicated app where a greater range of people can access the knowledge we have accumulated driving the finest roads across Europe over the last 10 years.
The app was launched in 2018 with 50 of our favourite drives and has since expanded to 100+ roads, in addition to the recommended automotive ‘hotspots’ to visit whilst on the road. We have recently begun collaborate with racing drivers and leading contributors to share their’ content through the app, all with the aim to give a much wider range of insights for automotive and travel enthusiasts.
Mark Heather – Mark is the owner and founder of the Ultimate Drives travel business. Having driven pretty much every great road there is to drive during the last 10 years, his original vision back in 2010 to “share” those experiences with others is now being taken to the next level, when funded and launched the original version of the app in 2018. Mark continues to be closely involved with the vision as we to take the product to it’s next level.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or require any support.
Updates for 2020
In 2020 we launched a major new release of the app expanding the database of great roads posted by ourselves to a full community based app where Ultimate Drives, Ambassadors, Users and Businesses can all post content / share ideas, and in doing so, inspire one another to get out and enjoy the incredible world of automotive drives and experiences.
After listening to our user community who expressed a desire for more, often more local content, as well as the ability to share their own experiences and recommendations, the vision that inspired this new release is shown below.

Thanks to you
In the meantime we would like to thank our loyal user base of more than 25,000 users (end of 2019) for all your input, comments, reviews and using the app. Of course, we are always excited to hear your feedback via our Contact web-page, or alternatively via the Play and Apple stores, as we continue to refine and improve the overall experience.
We hope you have a great 2020 driving season ahead
Your team at Ultimate Drives.
Ultimate Drives
Neugutstrasse 16
Zurich, 8304