Roads To Drive
Please fill in the details below.
When mapping a route to be uploaded, try to make sure the start, end and anything in between are verifiable points on Google Maps, for example a cafe, a point of interest or the like. This makes it easier for people driving later to know they have arrived at the start, and be sure when they pass by mid-points of points of interest. Of course if the areas are remote and this is not possible, you can just load up a co-ordinate.
Routes inside the app are generally single stretches of road, such as a pass or maybe a coastal road. However if you are loading more of a route, try to avoid any doubling back on the same road, again this can make the navigation quite tricky.
All submissions require a royalty free image. We cannot accept images from third parties or those for which the user submitting does not own the copyright or have the permission from the owner.
After saving, you can review your content / make sure the road is mapped correctly, before finally submitting.
Thanks and really looking forward to receiving your input!